Monday, August 24, 2015

08/24: Electronics and Art

Describe a piece of art or an interactive experience that used electronics as a medium that made an impression on you or that you remember
I vividly remember going to the WARPhaus freshman year during our final show with the Digital Arts kids. One artists made it so that a guitar/ instrument was hooked up to a major electronic base. Also connected was a painting device. Depending on how you played, or strummed the instrument, it would release a paint color and pattern based on the sound waves. You were literally painting a composition of music.

Describe any previous experiences with electronics and sensors.
I use to take apart my Toshiba computer and put it back together when I was younger. I had no idea what I did/ was doing, so please don't account thins as actual knowledge.

If you are in Digital Media, what do you expect to learn in this major?
Sensors. Perhaps about sensors with the use of electronics. 
* I want/hope to learn how to utilize sensors in relation with some of the 3D objects we 3D print with Jack.

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