Monday, August 24, 2015

Artist Inspiration & Experience

I'm very drawn to the works of Shantell Martin. She creates sprawling drawings in black and white, sometimes incorporating color, and has also done live drawings in which she projects her drawings as backdrops to live performances. These pieces seem to have as much presence as the performances she draws in response to; they're almost like time-based pieces in which you can literally see the artist's hand. Parts of it are covered and uncovered by the performer's movements, too, which is interesting. Her earlier live drawings were on paper, and the color, movement, and sight of the paper is also something I'm interested in. "Hylozoic Grove" by Philip Beesely is also very interesting; I was first drawn to images of this piece, and the way that the piece gave off light. It utilizes sensors that respond to motion. I'm also interested in "Volume" by United Visual Artists. There's also an artist who paints directly on film whose works I'm interested in. I have experience tinkering with LED (?) lights from electronic candles and motors, such as a motor from a music box. I also have worked with metal, and have experience tarnishing metal, soldering it, cutting it and a little success melting it. I want to learn about what components work well with each other, and how to effectively combine components so that they work.

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