Monday, November 9, 2009

Adam and Sarah S. Keyboard Configuration

Keyboard configuration is a way to reprogram your keyboard to type different symbols when you hit keys. This benefits those who speak/write in different languages as well as those in our own culture. Often times this primarily to make it quicker and easier for you to type. You set it up to make it faster for your own personal use with the characters that you most often use.

The following link shows examples of how you can configure your keyboard to have different letters and symbols closer at hand.

We're programmed to know the symbol layout of querty keyboards rather than alphabetical because they are arranged to accommodate the mirror image symmetry of the hand and keep the existing mechanical layout of the keys. But if we didn't know either layout both would be equal in difficulty to learn. Since we were raised with keyboards/typewriter layouts in this way it is easier for us as a culture to use today.

The typewriter layout used to be in in an alphabetical form, but the mechanical jamming that would occur when two letters close to each other were typed in succession kept typists from efficiency and accuracy.

The closest thing to a revolutionary keyboard layout since qwerty is the Dvorak, which increases speed by about 10%. But, for this to be more efficient overall, all of the keyboards would have to switch over to this new format and all learned typists would have to learn this new system.

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