Monday, November 23, 2009

PING Ultrasonic Sensor Links

PING from arduino playground

I found the arduino playground stuff to be the most helpful, its basically the bare essential code to make the PING can cut out all the inches/cm conversions to clean up the code a bit.

IR distance sensor with LEDs

I was able to hack this code together with the Arduino code...but the IR sensor is alot more basic than the Arduino, and has a much simpler code, check it out and maybe see if you could use just a IR sensor...

Ladyada Arduino Tutorial

So I know we already went over this stuff in class, but i actually went back and re-did all these exercises, they really helped me understand Arduino code, and it allowed me to modify the two above codes....

Also, just type in what your trying into google and see what happens, and look into joining/searching the Arduino Forum, its been a huge help, and people will reply to posts very fast.

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