Sunday, November 15, 2009


I feel I've been falling behind on this, so hopefully a pretty substantial entry here collecting all that I've come up with for my final project will make up for it? Eh? Eh?

What I'm thunkin' of:
I'm really into taking project requirements, then telling them to go f themselves and doing something that subverts the entire project's intentions. In this case, creating a piece of interactive art, that is not interactive. If it were up to me, I'd like to concoct an amazing looking machine that you'd really want to operate, and then when you try to, nothing happens. But since this is a sensors class... which you really should actually have a sensor that works, I've taken this idea in another direction: the art doesn't want to interact with you. But what would make you want to interact with the art in the first place? And make it tie in with this madness? Make the robot appealing. Something you want, but you just can't have. It's within your midst, but you can't get it. What could it be? What do we desire more than anything else? Love? Money? Sex? All have their separate connotations, and whichever I pick will probably be a heavy part of the perception of the piece. Or maybe I'll make it an amalgamation of all of them as to cover all my bases. Like a hooker with a heart of gold and fistfuls of cash. ...maybe that's a bit too silly.

What I'm guana do:
I'll have a lil' RC car, which I mainly need for the wheels, and a sort-of base for the Arduino and breadboard. I'll then put in a Servo and attach it to its already built-in motor, which will then be attached to the breadboard, which if all works well will relinquish control of the car... to me. Then comes the matter of the sensors. All they really need to do is to detect the presence of someone, and that would trigger the code telling it to move away. I'm thinking some simple PIR sensors would do the trick, but I'm not entirely sure. I'd have to test them and see.

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