Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Final Project

I've been reading about sound waves. Just the vibration of matter. Its a regular mechanical vibration. 
(neat little tidbit, since space is a vacuum with no matter to vibrate, you can't hear anything. So any explosion you've seen happen in space in a movie should have had no audio at all.) 
A true echo is nothing but the single reflection of a vibration. In the corridor between FAC and FAD the sound waves, traveling at 1,125 ft a second, have the opportunity to bounce back and forth a LOT before the waves start to dissipate. 

It'll be interesting to see the ultrasonic sensor readings in an enclosed space. If I'm lucky the echo will keep affecting the ultrasonic sensor and it'll keep going off. OR it will be too jarbled to produce any result. Either way, using an echo we can't hear to activate an echo we can. I can mine something from that parallel. 

I just invested in 3 push-type solenoids. 2 dollars a piece at 
Now I'm just trying to settle on the icon I'll be using to identify these spaces. Luckily, soundwaves look cool as hell- so I have a lot of options. Here are some google images I'm been looking at to get my brain stirred up:


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