Sunday, November 8, 2009

Form Over Function: Stuff from Mike and Brian.

OK, so our assignment was to find examples of aesthetically pleasing objects whose form interfered with the way they were intended to be used.

Exhibit A: Crazy Lamp

Yeah, believe it or not these... things are actually lamps. They do provide light, yes. My problem with it is that they look like they could roll away any second and break. Also, I don't even see any kind of switch that allows you to turn it on/off. Because of the unorthodox shape, I doubt most people would see these as lamps at first sight.

Exhibit B: Crazy Clock

Again, ridiculous shape for what it's supposed to be. It's probably easy enough to tell when it's noon/midnight, but anything besides that and it's kind of weird trying to tell time. If I'm not mistaken the point of a clock being circular is so that each number is the same distance from the center... When it's a triangle it's ambiguous near the diagonal numbers. I even think square clocks/watches are odd because of this. Oh, and that's another thing, there are no numbers.

Exhibit C: Crazy Chair

Not gonna lie, this chair looks really nice. It looks bad for your back, though... The angle at which the seat slopes downward seems pretty steep, that looks like back pain waiting to happen. And the back part seems too low to really be of any support. Doesn't look very sturdy...

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