Friday, December 18, 2015

Mini Project 1

When originally looking at what I wanted my final project to be, I thought I would want the human interaction to involved touch of some sort.

So I tried out multiple pressure sensors. The project theme was signal and I wanted to get the signal to be from human interaction of some sort. After testing the pressure sensors I was exploring and found pulse sensors, I immediately had to try it out.

From touch to pulse I wanted the person to allow the signal to happen. I used a pressure sensor to turn an LED on and then I also used a pulse sensor and it communicated to processing, this was vital for my final project because it's when I realized that I could use some of the coding we learned in programming and put it to use (finally).

I had no idea what the sensors did. Ivette and I were exploring and testing things so here is the research that I had to do to figure out what I was working with exactly.

I had to follow a tutorial but it felt like some of the info was missing so I had to wing it:

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