Wednesday, October 21, 2015

10-21 Semester Project Development

This week I received a hot/cold sleep gel mask :
This one.

Also I received the gold-cup electrodes for reading electrical signals from the eyes. In order to fully implement these sensors I still need to solve the amplification issue, but now that I have them in my hands testing can begin.

Our work on serial controls with Arduino has been enormously helpful towards my semester project as the Arduino Uno will be serving as an interface between the mask and the visual software in development.

On the software side I am currently working with a few different programming languages (STUPID) to solve what I would like to be the final delivery method for the visual interface. Unity is the most practical model but I am unfamiliar with its toolset so Unreal Engine V or Game Maker Language are more viable options. I currently have a working prototype in GML so that's my safety net on the software side.

The other option I am looking into is 6502 Assembly which is an old programming language used in NES programming (Apple II, Commodore 64). It's an 8-bit hex based language. Difficult and out of date language, but I found some good information on loading the programming into donor boards of NES carts giving the software its own circuit board to live on.

The bit shift makes me wonder if there is another route entirely to visualizing eye movement. The directions can be assigned to physical outputs using the Binary code...this would eliminate a need for external software which is appealing.

This simple iteration of a first-person labyrinth is fascinating in its slow-update time. For clarity purposes I also am attracted to the black and white aesthetic. Things to consider. 


Just found this awesome DIY Electrode guide. Happy to be using the real stuff a la Katerie Gladdys and our awesome lab fees being put to use, but thought this was really interesting.

Pretty important PDF detailing EEG, EOG electrode placement.

Amazing polysomnograph placement text:

Nice paper on EOG amplification:

EMG guide

Uh, wow. Reading through this now, but this is an incredible find for tuning EOG signals into output signals from Arduino.

PDF guide to make Brion Gysin's Dream Machine

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