Monday, October 12, 2015

10/12 Mini Project Maria

Got the piezo to play a small piece of music. Based on a tutorial that used a MIDI file to turn notes into something that the Arduino can read and play.

Program a Simple Tune on an Arduino Uno

Press the RESET button to restart.

  1. Maria, this is beautiful. I am impressed that you were able to program this to play an actual song! I am wondering, however, if there was some other component that you could have added to this -- maybe to alter the sound somehow? I think some interactivity would make this even better! -Shimul
  2. Even though it's a piezo, it sounds natural and melodious; it would be interesting to have several going and harmonizing with each other, as well -Kayla
  3. It works! This is really great and the song is definitely recognizable. It would be interesting if there were some sort of sensor so that the viewer interaction would be more than pressing the reset button. To have it trigger somehow could embed a layer of meaning that the current project lacks. -jen


  1. This was cool, i didn't know what to do at first then Impressed the button and a song play. Does this project feel with your final one?

  2. Good job! Your project works properly and efficiently! I would have liked to have seen something where you can play different songs or perhaps even turn the music off with a certain switch. However, since this is only a mini project nice job.

  3. Your project proves scale truly doesn't matter for a sensors piece. Your piece is simple, yet effective. Perhaps, if this is in tune with your final project, pushing this sketch so there is room to manipulate the sound would be a really intriguing addition

  4. I'm impressed you were able to get it to play a tune, and I'm excited to see where this can go. Part of me wishes that the button to make it work were on the breadboard and not the Arduino reset button, but that's only for neatness' sake I suppose. This is really cute otherwise, though!

  5. i'm so glad to see that there are other speakers. I didn't know i could use that too. maybe you could add a loop to keep the tune playing

  6. very impressive that you could put the whole song on there! You could do some really neat stuff if you added a theremin

  7. Very nice! It would be nice if there was a sensor so that it could be more interactive or even a big red shiny button that would be more obvious to press --Erica

  8. You're amazing. It's so simple but it is very clear that you wrote the code and came up with the sketch all on your own and i commend that

  9. I am curious. Did you find the code for this song, You are My Sunshine, or you did you code it from scratch? Why this song? cater

  10. kelsey- I like that you used this tiny speaker. It makes me think that this could be hidden in something and making music without being seen. The wiring seems very simple too but I know all of the work is in the code.

  11. Dreezy - this is interesting. I think that if you incorporate more people interaction it could be stronger. I would like to know why you chose this song. It works and that's great. But I wonder how you can elevate it more.
