Monday, October 12, 2015

Silent Crit

It's supposed to be an alarm that goes off as a person approaches the sensor...however i'm having issues. It'd still be nice if you guys would leave me comments:)


good try and it's fun to see me dance around it to try to make it work :^)

neat idea! the sound definitely captures the aggravation


  1. Jen- AHH the sound is terrible! So in that regards you are successful. I actually really enjoy how the moment you think you've figured out how to stop the alarm, it goes off again and thwarts you. It's very frustrating and makes you want to explore the piece to make it stop.

  2. What i like about the pice is that you cant figure out how to stop it, first you think its the proximity but when you get closer it stops when you back up it comes on. It came on when I sat down but stopped when i moved. it was cool

  3. I like the idea working with sound and light. But what if you add some timing or delay combine with proximity. Setareh

  4. Interestingly, as I walked over here, I noticed that your piece would have worked really well with some of the other red blinking LED projects... Assuming your project may not be totally finished, you could have made this really seem complete with even just a few red blinking LEDs because of the association we have with red alarms and danger. This seems like a pseudo alarm to me and could be very conceptual if taken slightly further.

  5. MTM -I hate this sound, I hate it reminds me of an alarm and the fact that I'm actually not sleeping right now as I wish I was. Though it doesn't always work, when the alarm sounds just as it should in proximity to... or in relation to motion. It's almost comical, that no matter what you do it doesn't matter- the alarm will sound.

  6. I think the interaction between user and this aggressive sound is so interesting. I'm kind of glad it's not working because I think the emotions you're getting out of people are really funny. I'm actually getting so frustrated as I'm typing because the sound keeps going on and off and I think that if you build off of the idea of annoying people with this tech, you could have a really successful project on your hands!!! - Shimul

  7. Dreezy - This is nice, I wish the timing was consistent but I like the overall way that it is working. I would like to see more concept and merging that with using on a larger scale will be awesome. Great work!

  8. Maria - This thing is super sensitive! The alarm really makes me irritated and want to get away from it. If the sensor is a problem, you need to get a different one.

  9. It's like the alarm on a sinking submarine. I'm not sure that it is actually going off when I'm near it. you might have a problem with the code. I think you could really play with the viewer's reaction to such an aggressive and continuous sound. --erica

  10. Aaron - I'm pretty certain it is repeating an "F" tone. F! F! F! F! F! One tip I can give for calibrating sensors is to use the Serialwriteln function to show the values your input is giving. If you go back to the temperature section in Exploring Arduino you will find the source code to use to find out what your sensor is reading out so you can tweak its response.
