Monday, October 19, 2015

10/19 Kayla Evans Mini-Project 1 Process

One of the first steps I took when creating this project was going back and completing the LED nightlight exercise; this helped me understand the range of colors that could be created using the LED, and the neccesary code that went with these colors:

I then tested my accelerometer, by having it print numbers to the serial port depending on the angle of the tilt; I used code from Arduino's website for this test:

I then figured out the way in which the numbers for the x axis and y axis increased and decreased depending on the angle of the tilt (left, right, forward, and backward), and linked these numbers to the color that was created by the LED, since analog numbers controlled the color of my LED.

I started creating the box from glass and plexiglass:

Final documentation of my completed mini-project:

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